
Say ‘yes’ to trying something new.

Looking for inspiration? Visit to scroll through years of blog posts on a variety of topics like, “What Does Homeschooling look like?”, “Bahamian Boat Science”, “Why Teach Poetry?” or “Choosing a Fall Curriculum”. There is so much there, as I started writing blog posts from the very beginning of our adventure-school journey. Our path is unique to our family, but you get the idea - you can set up your school OR homeschool any way that suits YOU.

Start your journey

I am here for you. I will do my best to answer questions and support you in your school journey based on my experiences as a private, public, and home-school mama of my own beautiful kids.

Please note: My coaching service is not therapy (though maybe restorative!) as I am not a mental health professional, and I cannot diagnose learning disorders, but I can refer you to others for possible solutions. Also, I am not a legal expert and will direct you elsewhere for legal inquiries.

Life brings us challenges and opportunities, and kids can be fickle and indecisive, but you do not have to work on your school puzzle alone.