Book an appointment.

Figuring out the right educational path for our kids can be daunting. Many choices exist, but discussing your options with a seasoned ‘all-school mom’ will give you peace of mind.

How can I help you?

  1. Email me to schedule an initial consultation, and I will provide an hourly rate estimate based on your needs.


  2. Become a SELECT MEMBER and receive four email engagements with me every month (1x email question per week).

  3. It’s that simple.

Payment is made by VENMO.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Always trying to master the perfect life-work balance, I keep semi-regular business hours. You may hear from me at night or on a weekend; please know I respect your response time to be on a schedule that works for you, too!

When we examine our educational options with our own personalities and our children’s uniqueness in mind, we allow the fresh wind of possibilities to waft through the room. The best education we can give our children is the one that says: There are unlimited ways to get to where you want to go; I’m here to help you find your way.”

— Julie Bogart, The Brave Learner